Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ten things i think i think

1. I think I have my most interesting thoughts either when I should be falling asleep or right when I wake up from a dream. Too bad I forget all of them.

2. I think all parents should watch the movie Click at least twice a year. It is easy to get caught up in day to day life and lose track of what's really important. Every time I watch that movie it guilts me into spending more time with my kids, which is a good thing.

3. I think this is the most interesting thing I have seen in awhile. Imagine companies changing their business model to reduce spending instead
of gaining profit. Too bad only colleges and government funded projects would invest any time into these types of things, but imagine the possibilities.

4. I think the saying "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" is stupid. What good is something that is wrong 99.86% of the time?

5. I think I hate George Clooney and I'm not sure why. When I see him it reminds me of the scene in Step Brothers when Randy says to Brennan "I don't know what it is about your face, but I just wanna deliver one of these [fist] right in your suck hole". That's how you make me feel George Clooney.

6. I think every time I write one of these I will have a sports related thought dedicated to Delynn.

7. I think this is my sports related Delynn thought; just once I would like to see an NFL draft that is bingo ball machine style . Put the top 64 players names on all of the balls and see what happens. It would be the most exciting thing in draft history....and we wouldn't have to listen to nonstop speculation of who is drafting who and mock drafts and all of that other garbage that happens from January to April. The other cool thing is that since most draft picks don't pan out anyways, the chances of having a good or bad draft would likely remain the same.

8. I think I need to go to a concert soon. It's been too long.

9. I think there was something that really bothered me that I heard a few days ago. Newt Gingrich criticized the president for apologizing to the Afghan government for several Qurans that were accidentally burnt. “There seems to be nothing that radical Islamists can do to get Barack Obama’s attention in a negative way,” Gingrich said, “and he is consistently apologizing to people who do not deserve the apology of the president of the United States, period.” How out of touch is this guy? More than 30 people have died in protests and attacks directly related to the burning of the Qurans. Yes, it was an accident and no, the Middle Eastern countries we keep invading don't apologize for any of the stupid actions they take, but we live in a diplomatic world. Having the mentality of "F you world, we are the United States, we are better than you" is likely what caused a lot of the terrorism we see today. Maintaining that view will not make things better Newt.

10. I tinhk i wlil sotp gtenitg uspet aobut how poelpe splel tihgns. the pruopse of wirtnig is cmomnuciatoin, not pefrectoin.


  1. I'm gonna download Click, now. Yeah, that TED talk is really interesting and hopeful. It shows how innovative people can be when presented with a challenge. I agree that more companies should think of how they set up their businesses with this win-win mindset.

    I used to keep a notebook next to my bed so I wouldn't forget all the creative things that ran through my head before falling asleep.

    And, yeah, Newt Gingrich is pretty ballsy for saying that. I side with empathy, tho.

  2. just read an article that basically reinforces what i said about newt gingrich...he is an idiot.
