1. I think this is an interesting quote taken from an article about current voting options. "...having just two (political parties to vote from) creates a "with us or against us" mentality, encouraging us to exaggerate our differences and deny our similarities. The whole structure is unnatural in today's world and a recipe for disillusionment." - Nathan Daschle. I wonder how long it will take for politicians to recognize this.
2. I think this is a funny reference to one person making a mistake that affects everyone else. "One guy shits his pants and we all have to wear diapers." - Some Random Guy At Work
3. I think I will make my own mock NFL draft this year. It seems like you could throw darts at names on a board and be just as likely to get a Pro Bowl player as a bust, yet teams spend millions on that crap. Weird.
4. I think this article is pretty interesting. It is a supposed former soldier's opinion of the way wars are depicted in military vs. how they actually are. The video game part isn't so interesting to me, but the way he describes the glorification of military heroes is. While I don't necessarily agree with anything that is written, I think it is an interesting perspective of the military. As someone whom has never been in the military is my perspective the one given to me through movies/tv/media and completely wrong? Guess I'll never know.
5. I think controversial art is pretty cool, particular the art related to social issues. Things happen around the world that go unrecognized by most everyone other than those directly involved. Artists bring attention to these issues through controversy. The funny part though is how the same idiots that are against the art help promote it. If they want to show their anger, the best thing to do would be to stay quiet about it. By voicing your anger (the artists intent) you cause it to gain popularity. But anyways, here are some more interesting examples: Urban Grafitti, Jon McNaughton's political art, or some of the stuff
by Czech artist David Cerny.
6. I think the hashtags are weird. I think hashtags on Facebook are weirder....especially since Facebook does not support hashtags.
7. I think there is a big difference between being closed-minded and being opinionated. I am very opinionated. I am not closed-minded. I am always open to new ideas, but if I ask "Why?" it takes more than "because" to satisfy me.
8. I think that new movie Bully looks interesting. However, I would like to see a movie through the eyes of a bully instead of the kids being bullied. I think that would have a more resounding effect. I think most people understand that bullying is messed up and that not enough is done to prevent it. I think people understand what happens sometimes when continued teasing goes ignored. I think people know what kind of people are bullied. But the part I don't think people understand is why people do the bullying in the first place. It is most often argued that the bully craves attention, is trying to impress friends or needs to feel better about themself. I think there is more to it though and I think people could relate better to a movie focused on the actual bullies. I am still glad that this movie was made, even without having viewed it.
9. I think it's almost time to go to the Rodeo Drive-In! Just gotta wait for something worth watching.
10. I think gratitude is the hardest thing to teach kids and I am not doing a very good job of it with my own. The only logical way I can think of to teach this is to stop giving them things. I know that by giving them things they are more frequently becoming entitled to it, but the risk of being a bad parent in the eyes of my children will likely prevent me from ever doing this. I guess it is my job as a parent to fix this kind of stuff, so maybe I should start.
Gratitude... That's a hard one... I'm sure there are books on it, but likely you just have to wait til they're living on their own. Gratefulness is relative... Good luck with that, haha.